Here are some step by step directions for the turkey. Again, the video from the SU consultant I got the pattern from is here: I used last years paper pack for the demo, but the original one I did I used Path finding from this year. (Here is the original One I did)
Supplies I used:
4 pieces of colored patterned paper (both sides patterned)
Hot Glue Gun
Red Sticky Tape
CTMH Cricut Artiste Cartridge
1 1/2" circle punch
liquid glas
2 googly eyes
score board
a circle cutter (3 inch circles)
2 colors of coordinating cardstock
Paper sizes, 3 of each: 4 inches, 3.5 inches, 3 inches and 2.5 inches
Score at every 1/2" on the 12" side- all 12 strips
You will then fold accordion style on each of the scores- take note if you start up or down. This one below I started down.
After finishing folding a strip, take your bone folder over it to make the folds crisp.
On the second strip- you want to start the folds opposite the last time.
In this picture, I started folding up
I find the red double sided tape to work best for projects like these
Cut a strip of the red sticky tape and put along one long end of the strip
You then tape two of the strips together
After attaching the first two, attach the third in the same way.
After attaching the last strip, you will cut off one end
You want to form the circle so the end meet, and tape with red double sided tape
After you tape it and let it go, it will look like this
You will need to flatten it out and push the middle together and hot glue the middle. Hold here until the glue sets. Some people use a silicon mat- I didn't have one, so I used a cricut mat that wasn't really sticky anymore. You will then punch out 8 1/2 inch circles in corresponding card stock
You will place a 1.5 inch circle on the front and back-you may need to put a little more hot glue on them. Set aside
Do this same process for all 12 strips. You will use the 3 strips of the same size to make each set.
You will then cut the turkey out of the cricut artiste cartridge at 8".
You will cut out 4- 3 inch circles out of corresponding cardstock or patterned paper.
Fold each in half. If using pattered paper- the pattern you want to see needs to be on the inside.
Then put glue on the outside of 2 of the folded circles
Then glue 2 of the half circles together- making 2 separate pairs.
This is what the turkey from the Artiste looks like when its cut
You will then cut the back half of the turkey off
You then glue one side of the folded circle pairs to each side of the turkey.
This is what it will look like after you glue the two sides on (so 2 sides will be free)
To make the feathers: take the largest circle you made
Then take the 2nd largest and line it up with the largest-however you don't want to line up the middle part. You want to line them up so both bottoms are touching the table. Then hot glue together.
This is what it will look like from the side
Now do the same thing with the 3rd and 4th ones
They will look like this when completed

Now put glue on the free part of the half circle and glue to the "feather" part of the turkey. You want to make sure that the turkey will stand up.
Glue the googly eyes on the face with liquid glass.
Here is your finished product!!
Here are some of the products I used:
Pathfinding paper pack
Paper Trimmer
bone folder
Cricut Artiste
non stick scissors
bonding memories
liquid glass